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Terms for subject Environment (21507 entries)
harmful insect insecto dañino
harmful residue residuo nocivo
harmful substance sustancia nociva
harmonisation of law (The process by which two or more states, sometimes under the auspices of an interstate or international organization, change their legislation relevant to some area of common concern to conform their statutes and to facilitate compliance and enforcement across borders) armonización legal
harmonisation of law armonización legal
harpy eagle harpía
harvest (The amount or measure of the crop gathered in a season) cosecha
hatch-box pozo de limpieza
Hawaiian goose ganso né-né
Haworth Bio Aëration Sheffield canales de bioaireación de Haworth
hay meadow prado pobre de siega
hazard (A physical or chemical agent capable of causing harm to persons, property, animals, plants or other natural resources) peligros
hazard peligros
hazard area (Any site or region in which there is a physical or chemical agent capable of causing harm to property, persons, animals, plants or other natural resources) área de peligro
hazard area área de peligro
hazard of pollutants (Risk or danger to human health, property or the environment posed by the introduction of a harmful substances into the ecosystem) riesgo de contaminantes
hazard of pollutants riesgo de contaminantes
hazard rating clasificación de riesgo
hazard rating procedure procedimiento de clasificación del riesgo
hazard reduction tratamiento preventivo del combustible