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Terms for subject Microsoft (18361 entries)
external style estilo externo
external style sheet hoja de estilos externa
external successor sucesora externa
External System Sistema externo
external table tabla externa
external task tarea externa
external URL mapping asignación de dirección URL externa
external user usuario externo
external user invitation report informe de invitación para usuarios externos
external virtual network red virtual externa
extra-bold extranegrita
extra-light extradelgado
extract extraer
extraction rule regla de extracción
extraction, transformation, and loading extracción, transformación y carga de datos
Extras Library Biblioteca de Extras
extrinsic event evento extrínseco
eyedropper cuentagotas
f-number (In photography, the diameter of the aperture expressed in terms of the focal length of the camera lens. The greater the f-number, the less light reaches the film and the more in focus the objects in the foreground and the background will be. For example, with an f-number = 16 the objects in the far background will be in focus. Whereas, with an f-number = 2 the background will be blurry (while foreground objects are in focus)) apertura de diafragma
f-stop punto f