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Terms for subject Politics (11298 entries)
maternity benefit prestaciones de maternidad
maternity benefit (Benefits generally available through health and insurance plans, payable to women workers during pregnancy and after child birth) prestaciones de maternidad
maternity leave licencia de maternidad
maternity leave (Leave to which a woman is entitled for a continuous period allocated before and/or after giving birth in accordance with national legislation and practice. If unpaid, combine with UNPAID LEAVE) licencia de maternidad
maternity protection protección de la maternidad
maternity protection (Encompasses measures for the protection of the health of pregnant and breast feeding women employees at work, entitlement to prenatal and postnatal leave and leave in case of illness or complications, entitlement to cash benefits during leave, protection against termination of employment and discrimination and the right to daily breaks for breastfeeding) protección de la maternidad
mathematical analysis análisis matemático
mathematical model modelo matemático
mathematician matemático
mathematics and statistical analysis matematicas y analisis estadistico
matters dealt with in this Treaty las materias comprendidas en el presente Tratado
Mauritius Council of Social Service Consejo de Servicio Social de Mauricio
Mauritius Family Planning Association Asociación de Planificación de la Familia de Mauricio
maximum of available resources máximo de los recursos disponibles
Mayors for Peace Alcaldes por la Paz
Mayotte Mayotte
McDougall Memorial Lecture Disertación en memoria de McDougall
means of transport medios de transporte
means of transport (vehicle) medios de transporte
means test verificación de recursos