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Terms for subject Environment (23231 entries)
deer hog babirusa
deers cérvidos
defence (The act or process of protecting citizens or any geographical area by preparing for or by using military means to resist the attack of an enemy) defensa
defensive expenditure gasto difensivo
defined pollution contaminación definida
deflation erosión eólica
deflation erosión por el viento
defoliation (1. The drop of foliage from plants caused by herbicides such as Agent Orange, diuron, triazines, all of which interfere with photosynthesis. The use of defoliants, as in Vietnam or in jungle clearance for agriculture, can permanently destroy tropical forests. Once the tree cover is removed, the soil is subjected to erosion and precious nutrients are rapidly leached away. 2. Destroying (an area of jungle, forest, etc.) as by chemical sprays or incendiary bombs, in order to give enemy troops or guerilla forces no place of concealment) defoliación
deforestation (The removal of forest and undergrowth to increase the surface of arable land or to use the timber for construction or industrial purposes. Forest and its undergrowth possess a very high water-retaining capacity, inhibiting runoff of rainwater) deforestación
deforestation tala de árboles
deforestation desmonte
deforestation destrucción de la cubierta forestal
deforestation credit crédito de deforestación
deforestation credit crédito por evitar la deforestación
deforestation of large areas deforestación de grandes superficies
degassing flux flujo de desgaseado
degradability (The capacity of being decomposed chemically or biologically) degradabilidad
degradability degradabilidad
degradation (A type of organic chemical reaction in which a compound is converted into a simpler compound in stages) degradación
degradation pérdida de viscosidad