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Terms for subject Pulp and paper industry (261 entries)
splinter catcher colector de astillas
split-barrel sampling muestreo mediante tubo dividido
spraying pipe tubo rociador
spread and strip footing huella fundida en bloque
spread and strip footing huella fundida en bandas
stacker boom aguilón de apilar
stacking boom aguilón de apilar
steam and condensate system sistema de vapor y condensado
steam system sistema de vapor
steamed groundwood pasta de madera digerida
steaming tube tubo de vapor
steaming tube cyclone ciclón del tubo de vapor
steaming vessel autoclave de vapor
stock pasta papelera
stock chest cuba de pasta
stock inventory existencias de pasta
stock regulator caja reguladora
stoker parrilla mecánica
stoner lavador de astillas
storage pile pila de almacenamiento