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Terms for subject Environment (6671 entries)
leisure centre (A building containing a swimming pool and a large room or other places where you can play sports) szabadidős központ
leisure time (Time free from work or other duties; spare time) szabadidő
lepidopteran (A large order of scaly-winged insects, including the butterflies, skippers, and moths; adults are characterized by two pairs of membranous wings and sucking mouthparts, featuring a prominent, coiled proboscis) pikkelyesszárnyú
less developed country (One of the world's poorest nations, typically small in area and population, with low per capita incomes, literacy levels and medical standards, subsistence agriculture and a lack of exploitable minerals and competitive industries) kevésbé fejlett ország
leukaemia (A progressive, malignant disease of the blood forming organs; a distorted proliferation and development of leukocytes and their precursors in the blood and bone marrow) leukémia
level of education (A position along a scale of increasingly advanced training marking the degree or grade of instruction either obtained by an individual, offered by a some entity or necessary for a particular job or task) oktatási szint
levy (A ratable portion of the produce of the property and labor of the individual citizens, taken by the nation, in the exercise of its sovereign rights, for the support of government, for the administration of the laws, and as the means for continuing in operation the various legitimate functions of the state) illeték
liability (Subjection to a legal obligation. Liability is civil or criminal according to whether it is enforced by the civil or criminal courts) felelősség
liability for marine accidents (Subjection to a legal obligation, such as financial recompense or ecological reparations, for any harm or damage inflicted on persons, property or the environment in the course of commercial or recreational activity in, on or near a sea) tengeri balesetekért való felelősség
liability for nuclear damages (Subjection to a legal obligation, such as financial recompense or ecological reparations, for any harm or damage inflicted on persons, property or the environment during the production, use or transport of radioactive materials used as an energy source or in weaponry) nukleáris károkért való felelősség
liability legislation (A law or body of laws enacted that pertains to or establishes an obligation, debt or responsibility for loss, penalty, evil, expense or burden) felelősségre vonatkozó jogszabály
library (Place where books and other literary materials are kept) könyvtár
library service (The duties of an establishment, or a public institution, charged with the care and organizing of a collection of printed and other materials, and the duty of interpreting such materials to meet the informational, cultural, educational, recreational or research needs of its clients) könyvtárszolgálat
licencing (Any process of granting and certifying legal or administrative permission to a person or organization to pursue some occupation or to perform some activity or business) engedélyezés
licencing obligation (Obligation to obtain a permit to pursue an occupation or to carry on some business) engedélyköteles
licencing procedure (Procedures performed by administrative agencies in conjunction with issuance of various types of licences) engedélyezési eljárás
lichen (Composite organisms formed by the symbiosis between species of fungi and an algae. They are either crusty patches or bushy growths on tree trunks, stone walls, roofs or garden paths. Because they have no actual roots they get their sustenance from the atmosphere and rainwater. Lichens play an important role in the detection and monitoring of pollution, especially sulphur dioxide, as they are highly sensitive to pollution and different species disappear if pollution reaches specific levels) zúzmó
life cycle életciklus
life cycle analysis életciklus-értékelés
life cycle analysis életciklus-elemzés