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Terms for subject Hydrology (515 entries)
hydrologic depth profondeur d'infiltration
hydrologic regime of a basin régime hydrologique d'un bassin versant
hydrologic regime of a basin régime aquatique
hydrologic regime of a basin régime hydrique
hydrologic soil depth profondeur d'infiltration
hydrological services services hydrologiques
hydroseeding semis hydraulique
hygroscopic water eau pelliculaire
hypsometric curve courbe hypsométrique
immediate runoff ruissellement des eaux de surface
immediate runoff écoulement de surface
immediate runoff écoulement superficiel
immediate runoff ruissellement de surface
impluvium impluvium
impounded waters eaux closes
impounding dam barrage régulateur
impounding dam barrage brise-torrents
impounding dam seuil
impounding dam barrage de retenue
impounding dam barrage de consolidation