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Terms for subject Literature (168 entries)
he fought against this burgeoning <-> love il luttait contre cet amour naissant
he fought against this growing <-> love il luttait contre cet amour naissant
he makes a handsome living from the land he owns il vit grassement de ses terres
he's a bit of a hypocrite il est un peu tartufe
he's a bit of a hypocrite il est un peu tartuffe
he's a bit of a Tartuffe il est un peu tartufe
he's a bit of a Tartuffe il est un peu tartuffe
her eyes had been dulled by sorrow le chagrin avait éteint son regard
his attitude in the face of disaster son attitude devant le malheur
his credit, it must be said that ... nous dirons à sa louange que ...
hither and thither deçà (et) delà
hold somebody to (one's) bosom tenir (quelqu'un) contre son cœur
hungry for affamé de
I received his last words j'ai recueilli ses dernières paroles
in God's hands be it! à Dieu va
in God's hands be it! à Dieu vat!
in infinite space dans l'immensité
in infinity dans l'immensité
in the air dans l'air
in the air dans les airs