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Terms for subject Law (57395 entries)
country of origin état d'origine
country of registration pays d'immatriculation
country of registry of ship pays d'immatriculation du navire
country of residence pays de résidence
country of transit État de transit
country police officials police rurale
country policy document Plan pluriannuel
Country Policy Plan plan politique de pays
country programming programmation par pays
country rates taxes régionales
country town habitat semi-rural
country town ville rurale
country where the Union's Headquarters is located pays-siège de l'Union
country which offers its services puissance médiatrice
country with an advanced legal system pays de civilisation juridique
country without agreement pays sans convention
country without examination pays sans examen préalable
county administrative court tribunal administratif départemental
county constabulary maréchaussée
county constituency circonscription de comté