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Terms for subject Entomology (7363 entries)
raspberry climbing noctuid moth phalène du framboisier
raspberry crown borer rhizophage du framboisier
raspberry flower midge cécidomyie des fleurs du groseillier
raspberry fruit worm byture des framboises (Byturus rubi)
raspberry fruit worm ver des framboises (Byturus rubi)
raspberry leaf roller tordeuse du framboisier
raspberry shoot borer teigne du framboisier (Incurvaria rubiella)
raspberry stem bud moth teigne du framboisier (Incurvaria rubiella)
raspberry stem gall midge cécidomyie des galles du framboisier
raspberry stem gall midge cécidomyie des tiges du framboisier (Lasioptera rubi)
raspberry weevil charanâon gris des racines
rat flea puce du rat
red admiral amiral
red admiral vanesse amirale
red and black carpenter ant fourmi noire gâte-bois (Camponotus herculeanus)
red and black carpenter ant grande fourmi des bois (Camponotus herculeanus)
red and black froghopper cercope rouge sang
red and black froghopper cercope sanguinolente
red and black froghopper cigale à taches rouges
red ant fourmi rouge (Formica rufa (L.))