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Terms for subject Government, administration and public services (1066 entries)
perform functions exercer des attributions
Performance Plan Planification des prestations
performance planning Planification des prestations
period of notice (strike) délai de préavis
period of probation stage
period of probation période d'essai
permanent and other employees fonctionnaires et autres agents
permanent official agent permanent
permanent partial invalidity invalidité permanente partielle
permanent post emploi permanent
permanent staff personnel permanent
permanent staff personnel statutaire
PERS documents documents PERS
person covered by a member's insurance personne assurée du chef de l'affilié
person covered by the Regulations bénéficiaire du Statut
person employed by the Commission agent de la Commission
person entitled to a pension titulaire d'un droit à pension
person entitled to survivor's pension titulaire d'une pension de survie
person subject to the Regulations bénéficiaire du Statut
person treated as a dependent child personne assimilée à un enfant à charge