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Terms for subject Marketing (7639 entries)
negotiated purchase acquisition amiable
negotiated purchase achat à l'amiable
negotiation of credit négociation de crédit
neighbourhood centre centre de proximité
neighbourhood centre relais de proximité
neighbourhood shopping centre relais de proximité
neighbourhood shopping centre centre de proximité
neighbouring market marché voisin
neon-lighted sign enseigne lumineuse au néon
net agent price prix agent net
net audience couverture non dupliquée
net benefit investment ratio rapport bénéfice net/investissement
net borrowing besoin de financement
net capital formation formation nette de capital
net cost of serving non viable customers coût net de la desserte de clients non rentables
net current asset fonds de roulement net
net current asset actif circulant net
net earnings solde positif
net earnings bénéfice distribuable
net earnings solde actif