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Terms for subject Environment (31566 entries)
lacquer (A material which contains a substantial quantity of a cellulose derivative, most commonly nitrocellulose but sometimes a cellulose ester, such as cellulose acetate or cellulose butyrate, or a cellulose ether such as ethyl cellulose; used to give a glossy finish, especially on brass and other bright metals) laque
ladder fuels combustibles étages
ladder of Lansink échelle de Lansink
LAeq niveau de pression acoustique continu équivalent pondéré A
lagoon (A body of water cut off from the open sea by coral reefs or sand bars) lagune
lagoon lagune côtière
lagoon lagune
lagoon bassin de décantation
lagoon operation lagunage
lagoon system système de lagunage
lagooning lagunage
lagooning (The process in which sunlight, bacterial action and oxygen cause self-purification in waste water, Usually taking place in a shallow pond, or system of such ponds) lagunage
Lagrangian model modèle lagrangien
lagrangian model modèle lagrangien
lake lac
lake (An enclosed body of water, usually but not necessarily fresh water, from which the sea is excluded) lac
lake basin bassins lacustres
lake basin (1. The depression in the Earth's surface occupied or formerly occupied by a lake and containing its shore features. 2. The area from which a lake receives drainage) bassin lacustre
lake bloom enherbement de l'eau
lake bloom prolifération des plantes aquatiques