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Terms for subject Environment (31566 entries)
hail stage stade grêle
hail stone impact impact de la grêle
hail strike averse de grêle
hail-storm chute de grêle
hairy babirusa babiroussa
hairy prairie-clover dalée velue
half of the inhaled particles reaching the lung are exhaled la moitié des particules inhalées qui atteint le poumon est exhalée
half-life (The time required for one-half the atoms of a given amount of radioactive material to undergo radioactive decay) demi-vie
halo-nitrophilous scrub fourrés halo-nitrophiles
halocarbon hydrocarbure halogéné
haloform haloforme
haloform (A haloalkane, containing three halogen atoms, e.g. iodoform, CHI3; a haloform reaction is a reaction to produce haloforms from a ketone. For example, if propanone is treated with bleaching powder, the chlorinated ketone so formed reacts to form chloroform) haloforme
halogen chemical processes chimie des halogènes
halogen lamp lampe a l'iode
halogen lamp lampe halogène
halogen lamp lampe quartz halogène
halogen lamp lampe à halogène
halogen lamp lampe à incandescence à halogène
halogen lamp lampe-quartz a l'iode
halogenated biphenyl (Halogen derivatives of biphenyl) biphényles halogénés