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Terms for subject American (usage, not spelling) (931 entries)
he was hit with a billy club il a reçu un coup de matraque
he won a bundle il a touché un sacré pacson
he won't be admitted to the next class il ne sera pas admis en classe supérieure
he won't be allowed into the next class il ne sera pas admis en classe supérieure
he's a crooked cop ce flic est un ripou
he's a promising boy c'est un gaillard qui promet
he's a real preppie type il est très BCBG
he's a weird guy c'est un gars bizarre
he's a wizard at math c'est un matheux
he's always on the make pour la drague, il est doué!
he's always on the make c'est un dragueur
he's dead from the neck up il est con comme la lune
he's got a damned nerve il a un culot monstre
he's got a gimpy leg il a une patte folle
he's in the hospital il est à l'hôpital
he's very sassy for his age il est déjà répondeur à son âge
head nurse infirmier en chef
head teacher directrice d'école
headcheese museau
headcheese tête pressée (Belgique)