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Terms for subject Security systems (471 entries)
cereal country balance sheets bilans céréaliers des pays
certificate concerning the entitlement of unemployed persons and the members of their family to sickness and maternity insurance benefits attestation concernant le droit des travailleurs en chômage et des membres de leur famille aux prestations de l'assurance maladie-maternité
certificate concerning the entitlement of unemployed persons and the members of their family to sickness and maternity insurance benefits formulaire E119
certificate of entitlement to benefits in kind for pension claimants and members of their family formulaire E120
certificate of entitlement to benefits in kind for pension claimants and members of their family attestation de droit aux prestations en nature pour les demandeurs de pension ou de rente et les membres de leur famille
child benefit prestations pour enfants
chronic disaster catastrophe chronique
common action programme programme des actions communes
common architecture rules règles d'architecture commune
common operational document document opérationnel commun
common structural rules règles de structure commune
compulsory sickness insurance assurance-maladie obligatoire
concerning the aggregation of periods of employment, of self-employment or of residence formulaire E602
concerning the aggregation of periods of employment, of self-employment or of residence attestation concernant la totalisation des périodes d'emploi,d'activité professionnelle non salariée ou de résidence
conditional indexation indexation conditionnelle
contaminated product produit contaminé
continuation of treatment poursuite d'un traitement
contribution cotisations de sécurité sociale
contribution cotisations sociales
contribution basis base de cotisation