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Terms for subject Environment (31566 entries)
background radiation rayonnement ambiant
background radiation (Radiation resulting from natural sources, as opposed to man-made sources, and to which people are exposed in everyday, normal life; for example from rocks and soil) rayonnement ambiant
background station station de mesure de la pollution de fond
backing fire brûlage à contre courant
backing fire feu à la rebrousse
backing fire feu à la recule
backloading gel des quotas
backshore arrière-plage
backshore haut de plage
backwash water eau de rinçage
backwashing lavage par retour de courant
backwashing water eau de rinçage
bacon and eggs lotier corniculé
bacon and eggs pied-de-poule
bacon and eggs serradelle
bacon and eggs trèfle cornu
bacteria bactérie
bacteria bed arm tourniquet de lit bactérien
bacteria feeding on oil bactérie oléophage
bacterial and aerobic processes processus bactérien et aérobie