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Terms for subject Environment (19617 entries)
nitrogen cycle typen kiertokulku
nitrogen cycle (The complex set of processes by which crops acquire the large amount of nitrogen they need to make proteins, nucleic acids and other biochemicals of which they are composed, and how the nitrogen returns to the atmosphere) typen kiertokulku
Nitrogen cycle and effects on the oxidation of atmospheric trace species at high latitudes hanke typen vaikutusten tutkimiseksi vuoristoympäristössä
nitrogen dioxide NOsub2sub
nitrogen dioxide (A reddish-brown gas; it exists in varying degrees of concentration in equilibrium with other nitrogen oxides; used to produce nitric acid, NO2) typpidioksidi
nitrogen dioxide equivalent typpidioksidiekvivalentti
nitrogen dioxide sensor typpidioksidin anhydridianturi
nitrogen dioxide sensor anhydridianturi typpidioksidille
nitrogen fixation (ilman typen sidonta
nitrogen fixation typen sidonta
nitrogen fixation (Assimilation of atmospheric nitrogen by a variety of microorganisms which live freely in soil. Once the nitrogen has been captured by one of the microorganisms, there are many different routes by which it is handled. Some is retained in the soil as decomposing plant matter, waiting to be released and taken up by new crops as a nitrate. That nitrate is produced by nitrifying bacteria living in the soil that thrive on ammonia, which is produced by decaying plant and animal material. In processing nitrogen the nitrifying bacteria produce nitrate that can be absorbed by the roots of plants) typen sidonta
nitrogen monoxide (A colourless gas, soluble in water, ethanol and ether. It is formed in many reactions involving the reduction of nitric acid, but more convenient reactions for the preparation of reasonably pure NO are reactions of sodium nitrite, sulphuric acid, etc.) typpimonoksidi
nitrogen oxide typpioksidi
nitrogen oxide typen oksidit
nitrogen oxide (A colorless gas that, at room temperature, reacts with oxygen to form nitrogen dioxide; may be used to form other compounds, NOx) typpioksidi
nitrogen oxide system typpisysteemi
nitrogen oxide system typen oksidisysteemi
nitrogen oxides typpioksidit
nitrogen oxides (Oxides formed and released in all common types of combustion; they are formed by the oxidation of atmospheric nitrogen at high temperatures. Introduced into the atmosphere from car exhausts, furnace stacks, incinerators, power stations and similar sources, the oxides include nitrous oxide, nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide, nitrogen pentoxide and nitric acid. The oxides of nitrogen undergo many reactions in the atmosphere to form photochemical smog) typpioksidit
nitrogen pentoxide typpipentoksidi