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Terms for subject Environment (19617 entries)
lined discrete cells vuoratut erilliset osastot
liner material tiivisteen materiaali
liner material (A layer of synthetic or natural materials, on the sides of or beneath a landfill, landfill cell or surface impoundment, that restricts the downward or lateral escape of liquids carrying leachate into the surrounding environment) tiivisteen materiaali
lion-tailed macaque parta-apina
lipid (One of a class of compounds which contain long-chain aliphatic hydrocarbons and their derivatives, such as fatty acids, alcohols, amines, amino alcohols, and aldehydes; includes waxes, fats, and derived compounds) lipidi
lipophilic substance rasvahakuinen aine
lipophilic substance (unpolar substances, having affinity to fatty (unpolar) substances; Substances having an affinity for lipids) rasvahakuinen aine
liquefied gas nestekaasu
liquefied gas (A gaseous compound or mixture converted to the liquid phase by cooling or compression; examples are liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), liquefied natural gas (LNG), liquid oxygen, and liquid ammonia) nesteytetty kaasu
liquid acceptor phase uuttoneste
liquid emission nestemäinen päästö
liquid manure "lietelanta, lantavesi"
liquid manure (Any fertilizer substance with a moisture content of over ninety percent, usually consisting of animal excrement with water added) lantavesi
liquid metal disposal plant sulametallinhävittämislaitos
liquid state nestemäinen tila
liquid state (A state of matter intermediate between that of crystalline substances and gases in which a substance has the capacity to flow under extremely small shear stresses and conforms to the shape of a confining vessel, but is relatively incompressible, lacks the capacity to expand without limit, and can posses a free surface) nestemäinen tila
liquid waste nestemäinen jäte
liquid waste (Fluid wastes, consisting of sewage and domestic wastewater, or processed water, or other liquids, produced by industrial activity, particularly by such industries as pulp and paper production, food processing, and the manufacture of chemicals) nestemäinen jäte
liquid waste sampling and analysis näytteenotto nestemäisestä jätteestä ja näytteen analysointi
liquid-solid chromatography absorptiokromatografia