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Terms for subject Work flow (1419 entries)
index cross reference viittaus
index entry kirjaus
index heading hakuelementti
index information hakutieto
index of notations notaatiohakemisto
index of proper names nimihakemisto
index of subject headings asiasanahakemisto
index term kuvailutermi
index term asiasana
index term indeksitermi
index to a classification . luokituksen hakemisto
index to a documentary language dokumentaatiokielen hakemisto
index word hakusana
indexing indeksointi
indexing by bound subject headings valvottu indeksointi
indexing by free subject headings vapaaseen sanastoon perustuva indeksointi
indexing by free subject headings vapaa indeksointi
indexing by key-phrases fraasi-indeksointi
indexing by subject headings asiasanaindeksointi
indexing by uniterms sanaindeksointi