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Terms for subject Environment (18236 entries)
variety collection lajien kokonaisuus
variety collection (Assemblage of cultivated plants that are distinguished by any characteristics (morphology, physiology, etc.) significant for purposes of horticulture, agriculture or forestry) lajien kokonaisuus
varnish "lakka, vernissa
varnish (A transparent surface coating which is applied as a liquid and then changes to a hard solid; all varnishes are solutions of resinous materials in a solvent) lakata
varroacide varroa-punkin torjunta-aine
vector (One of the two major types of internal data organization used in GIS. Vector systems are based primarily on coordinate geometry and take advantage of the convenient division of spatial data into point, line, and polygon types. Vector structures are especially suited to storing definitions of spatial objects for which sharp boundaries exist or can be imposed) tartunnanlevittäjä
vector to raster muunto vektorimuodosta rasterimuotoon
vector to raster (Methods to convert remotely sensed raster data to vector format. A number of vector-to-raster and raster-to-vector conversion procedures have been developed and introduced to current releases of many GIS packages) muunto vektorimuodosta rasterimuotoon
vegetable (Any of various herbaceous plants having parts that are used as food) vihannes
vegetable vihannes
vegetable cultivation (Cultivation of herbaceous plants that are used as food) vihannesten vilejly
vegetable cultivation vihannesten vilejly
vegetable oil (An edible, mixed glyceride oil derived from plants (fruit, leaves, and seeds), including cottonseed, linseed, tung, and peanut; used in food oils, shortenings, soaps, and medicine, and as a paint drying oil) kasviöljy
vegetable waste (Waste, comprised mainly of vegetable matter, which is capable of being decomposed by microorganisms) kasvijäte
vegetable waste kasvijäte
vegetable waste kasviperäinen jäte
vegetation kasvillisuus
vegetation (1. The plants of an area considered in general or as communities, but not taxonomically; the total plant cover in a particular area or on the Earth as a whole. 2. The total mass of plant life that occupies a given area) kasvisto
vegetation cover (Number of plants growing on a certain area of land) kasvillisuuspeite
vegetation cover kasvillisuuspeite