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Terms for subject Environment (18236 entries)
tar sand tervahiekka
tar sand (A sandstone in which hydrocarbons have been trapped; the lighter compounds evaporate, leaving a residue of asphalt in the rock pores) tervahiekka
tar use tervan käyttö
tar use (Any employment or utilization of dark, heavy, viscous substances or residue derived from the distillation of certain organic materials, often to produce benzene, soap, dyes, cosmetics and other products) tervan käyttö
target group kohderyhmä
target group (A collection of people selected and approached by some entity for a variety of purposes, including assistance, recruitment, information dissemination, marketing and research) kohderyhmä
target reference value tavoitearvo
target setting (Establishing or determining environmental goals or objectives) tavoitteiden asettaminen
target setting tavoitteiden asettaminen
target site välivarasto
target species kohdelaji
targeted species kohdelaji
tariff (A classified list or scale of charges made in any private or public business) hinta-asteikko
tariff (A classified list or scale of charges made in any private or public business) maksutaulukko
tariff (A classified list or scale of charges made in any private or public business) tullimaksu
tariff hinta-asteikko
taruca andienhirvet
task force valmiusryhmä Valmisteluryhmä
Tasmanian tiger pussihukka
taste of water veden maku