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Terms for subject Environment (18236 entries)
lake järvi
lake (An enclosed body of water, usually but not necessarily fresh water, from which the sea is excluded) järvi
lake basin (1. The depression in the Earth's surface occupied or formerly occupied by a lake and containing its shore features. 2. The area from which a lake receives drainage) järviallas
lake of gypsum karst kipsikarstien järvi
lake pollution järven saastuminen
lake pollution (The direct or indirect human alteration of the biological, physical, chemical or radiological integrity of lake water, or a lake ecosystem) järven saastuminen
lamb's-quarters jauhosavikka
laminated paperboard laminoitu kartonki ja pahvi
lamp (A device that produces light, such as an electric lamp) lamppu
lamp mercury content lampun elohopeapitoisuus
land (A specified geographical tract of the Earth's surface including all its attributes, comprising its geology, superficial deposits, topography, hydrology, soils, flora and fauna, together with the results of past and present human activity, to the extent that these attributes exert a significant influence on the present and future land utilization) maa
land access pääsy maa-alueelle
land access (The permission or freedom to use, enter, approach or pass to and from a tract of land, which often consists of real estate property) pääsy maa-alueelle
land allotment (Procedure by which big land properties are divided in parcels of smaller size) maapalsta
land allotment maapalsta
land and property register kiinteistö- ja maarekisteri
land and property register (The system of registering certain legal estates or interests in land. It describes the land and any additional rights incidental to it, such as rights of way over adjoining land) kiinteistö- ja maarekisteri
land application maahanimeytys
land application pintalevitys
land carrying capacity (The maximum extent to which ground or soil area may be exploited without degradation or depletion) maan kantavuus