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Terms for subject Electricity generation (119 entries)
gross head of a hydroelectric power station brutto fallhøyde
gross output of a power station brutto stasjonseffekt
gross output of a set brutto aggregateffekt
gross thermal efficiency of a unit brutto termisk virkningsgrad for aggregat
hot stand-by standby reserve
hot start-up of a thermal generating set varmstart av varmekraftaggregat
hydroelectric installation vannkraftanlegg
hydroelectric power station vannkraftstasjon
hydroelectric set vannkraftaggregat
impulse type turbine aksjonsturbin
internal combustion set forbrenningsmotoraggregat
isolation of a unit overgang til isolert drift
Kaplan turbine kaplanturbin
line of shafting rotorstreng
liquid fuel boiler oljefyrt kjele
load factor of a unit utnyttelsesgrad for aggregat
magneto-hydro-dynamic thermal power station magnetohydrodynamisk kraftstasjon
main generator hovedgenerator
maximum capacity of a power station maksimal stasjonsytelse
maximum capacity of a unit maksimal aggregatytelse