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Terms for subject Lighting (other than cinema) (947 entries)
photoflood lamp fotolampe
photoluminescence fotoluminescens
photoluminescence quantum yield fotoluminescent kvanteutbytte
photoluminescence radiant yield fotoluminescent strålingsutbytte
photometer fotometer
photometry fotometri
photometry lysmåling
photomultiplier fotomultiplikator
photon counter fotonteller
photon exitance (at a point of a surface) fotoneksitans
photon exposure (at a point of a surface, for a given duration) fotoneksponering
photon flux fotonfluks
photon intensity (of a source, in a given direction) fotonintensitet
photon irradiance (at a point of a surface) fotonirradians
photon number fotonantall
photon radiance (in a given direction, at a given point of a real or imaginary surface) fotonradians
photopathology fotopatologi
photoperiod fotoperiode
photopic vision fotopisk syn
photopic vision dagsyn