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Terms for subject Environment (5576 entries)
conventional energy (Power provided by traditional means such as coal, wood, gas, etc., as opposed to alternative energy sources such as solar power, tidal power, wind power, etc.) konvensjonell energi
cooling (Setting aside a highly radioactive material until the radioactivity has diminished to a desired level) kjøling
cooling oil (Oil used as a cooling agent, either with forced circulation or with natural circulation) kjøleolje
cooling tower (A device that aids in heat removal from water used as a coolant in electric power generating plants) kjøletårn
cooling water (Water used to make something less hot, such as the irradiated elements from a nuclear reactor or the engine of a machine) kjølevann
copper (A chemical element; one of the most important nonferrous metals; a ductile and malleable metal found in various ores and used in industry, engineering, and the arts in both pure and alloyed form) kobber
coppice (A growth of small trees that are repeatedly cut down at short intervals; the new shoots are produced by the old stumps) stubbeskog
coppice with standards (A traditional system of woodland management whereby timber trees are grown above a coppiced woodland. It is used in particular as a method of exploiting oakwoods, in which all the trees except a rather open network of tall, well-formed oaks - the standards at about fifty per hectare - are felled, leaving plenty of space for hazels and other underwood to grow and be coppiced at intervals of ten to fifteen years) stubbeskog med overstandere
coral (The skeleton of certain solitary and colonial anthozoan coelenterates; composed chiefly of calcium carbonate) korall
coral reef (Coral reefs have been built up from the skeletons of reef-building coral a small primitive marine animal, and other marine animals and algae over thousands of years. They occur in clear, shallow and sunlit seas. Coral reefs are one of the most productive and diverse ecosystems and are estimated to yield about 12% of the world's fish catch. They are very vulnerable to any change in their environment, especially pollution, because it makes the water opaque. They must have light in order that photosyntesis by the algae can take place. Like trees, corals reflect the environmental conditions in which they grow, indicating marine pollution, sea-surface temperature and other aquatic conditions) korallrev
coral reef lagoon (A coastal stretch of shallow saltwater virtually cut off from the open sea by a coral reef) korallrevlagune
core meltdown (An accidental overheating of the part of the nuclear reactor where fission takes place, causing fuel elements and other parts of the reactor to melt, potentially leading to catastrophic consequences in which dangerous levels of radioactive materials would be released into the environment) kjernesmelte
cork (The thick light porous outer bark of the cork oak, used widely as an insulator and for stoppers for bottles, casks, etc.) kork
corridor (A physical linkage, connecting two areas of habitat and differing from the habitat on either side. Corridors are used by organisms to move around without having to leave the preferred habitat) korridor
corrosion (A process in which a solid, especially a metal, is eaten away and changed by a chemical action) korrosjon
corrosion inhibitor (A chemical agent which slows down or prohibits a corrosion reaction) korrosjonshemmer
cosmetic industry (Industry for the production of substances for improving the appearance of the body) kosmetikkindustri
cosmic radiation (Radiations consisting of atomic nuclei, especially protons, of very high energy that reach the earth from outer space. Some cosmic radiations are very energetic and are able to penetrate a mile or more into the Earth) kosmisk stråling
cost (In economics, the value of the factors of production used by a firm in producing or distributing goods and services or engaging in both activities) kostnad
cost recovery basis (A standard used to provide reimbursement to individuals or organizations for any incurred expense or provided service) kostnadsinndekkingsgrunnlag