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Terms for subject Cables and cable production (247 entries)
joint ferrule skjøtehylse
joint-sleeve insulation skjøtehylseisolasjon
lagging forskaling
lapped insulation viklet isolasjon
lay ratio stigning
length of lay slaglengde
link box (for insulated shield system) skjermkoblingsboks
liquid filled cable (North America) oljekabel
liquid-filled pipe-type cable (North America) oljefylt rørkabel
lug kabelsko
mass-impregnated (paper) insulation masseimpregnert papirisolasjon
mass-impregnated non-draining insulation masseimpregnert dryppfri papirisolasjon
measuring cable målekabel
messenger bæreline
metal-clad conductor metallkledd leder
metal-coated conductor metallbelagt leder
Milliken conductor segmentleder
mineral insulation mineralisolasjon
motor-driven roller motordrevet rulle
motorized roller motordrevet rulle