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Terms for subject Agriculture (84061 entries)
Working Party on Agriculture and Energy Arbeitsgruppe "Landwirtschaft/Energie"
Working Party on Beef and Veal Gruppe "Rindfleisch"
Working Party on Beef and Veal and Mutton and Lamb Gruppe "Rind- und Schaffleisch"
Working Party on Cereals and Rice (Starch products) Gruppe "Getreide und Reis" (staerkehaltige Erzeugnisse)
Working Party on Milk Quotas Arbeitsgruppe "Milchquoten"
Working Party on Plant Health Products (Harmful organisms) Gruppe "Pflanzenschutzmittel" (Schadorganismen)
Working Party on Proteins and Soya Beans Gruppe "Eiweissstoffe und Soja"
Working Party on Special Plant Products and Textile Fibres (Cotton) Gruppe "Sonstige pflanzliche Erzeugnisse und Spinnfasern" (Baumwolle)
Working Party on Sugar Arbeitsgruppe "Zucker"
Working Party on the Typology of Agricultural Holdings Sachverständigengruppe "Typologie landwirtschaftlicher Betriebe"
working passage Arbeitsgang
working plan Forsteinrichtungswerk
working plot Feldstück
working plot Parzelle
working plot Schlag
working plot Teil einer Schlagfläche
working plot Bestandesabteilung
working premises Betriebsgebäude
working season Kampagne
working section Hiebszug