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Terms for subject General (509690 entries)
word usage Wortgebrauch
word which marks the female gender (Grammar) Femininum
word with positive connotations positiv besetztes Wort
word-blind wortblind
word-finding dictionary Synonymwörterbuch
word-for-word wortwörtlich
word-for-word wörtlich
word-for-word wortgetreu
word-for-word accuracy Buchstabentreue
word-for-word fidelity Buchstabentreue
word-of-mouth advertising Mundpropaganda
word-of-mouth recommendation Mund-zu-Mund-Propaganda
word-of-mouth recommendation Mundpropaganda
word-oriented wortorientiert
wordbook Wörterbuch
wordbooks Wörterbücher
worded ausgedrückt
wordier wortreicher
wordiest wortreichste
wordiest am wortreichsten