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Terms for subject Agriculture (84048 entries)
term "château" Bezeichnung "château"
term applied to white wine which has become reddish or dark in colour from various causes hochfarbig
term of lease Pachtzeit
term of lease Mietdauer
terminal cell Scheitelzelle
terminal flower gipfelständige Blüte
terminal growth gipfelständiges Wachstum
terminal leaf gipfelständiges Blatt
terminal market Terminmarkt
terminal market Terminbörse
terminal opening Mündung
terminal opening Ausgangsöffnung
terminal opening Ausgangsloch
terminal rod or cane Leitzweig
terminate blooming stage abblühen
terminate blooming stage verblühen
termination of growing Anzucht
termination of growing Aufzucht
termination of the blooming period Abblühen
termination of the blooming period Verblühen