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Terms for subject General (508411 entries)
small change Kleingeld
small chest Kästchen
small chocolate-covered cream cake Mohrenkopf
small Christian community Basisgemeinde
small cigar Zigarillo
small claims procedure Bagatellverfahren
small clumps of cells Zellklümpchen
small coal Grieskohle
small coal Gruskohle
small coke Feinkoks
small community Kleingemeinde
small computer Kleinrechner
small computer system interface (SCSI) Bussystem im Computer
small concert grand Halbkonzertflügel
small consignment of a non-commercial character Kleinsendungen nichtkommerzieller Art
Small constitution Kleine Verfassung
small containers Kleinpackungen
small copper (butterfly) Feuerfalter
small copper (butterfly) Feuervögelchen
small copper (butterfly, Lycaena phlaeas) Kleiner Feuerfalter