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Terms for subject Environment (26920 entries)
removal (General term indicating the elimination of substances from a medium or from the environment) Entfernung
removal of peat Torfabbau
removal of pollutants Schadstoffbeseitigung
removal of pollutants Austrag von Schadstoffen
removal of pollutants in the steel industry Beseitigung von Schadstoffen in der Stahlindustrie
removal of waste Abfallbeseitigung
removal of waste Altlastensanierung
removal of waste Beseitigung von Abfällen
removal rate Washout-Rate
remove dust entstauben
renaturation (A process of returning natural ecosystems or habitats to their original structure and species composition. Restoration requires a detailed knowledge of the original species, ecosystem functions and interacting processes involved) Renaturierung
rendering industry Verarbeitung von Tierkörpern und Schlachtnebenerzeugnissen
rendzina Humuskarbonatboden
rendzina Rendzina
renewable energy certificate handelbares "grünes" Zertifikat
Renewable Energy Certificates System europäisches Energiezertifizierungssystem
renewable energy source (Energy sources that do not rely on fuels of which there are only finite stocks. The most widely used renewable source is hydroelectric power; other renewable sources are biomass energy, solar energy, tidal energy, wave energy, and wind energy; biomass energy does not avoid the danger of the greenhouse effect) Erneuerbare Energiequelle
renewable energy sources regenerative Energiequelle
renewable energy sources erneuerbare Energiequelle
renewable energy sources erneuerbarer Energieträger