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Terms for subject Environment (24829 entries)
peacock softshell turtle Pfauenaugen-Weichschildkröte
peacock softshelled turtle Pfauenaugen-Weichschildkröte
Peacock-marked soft shell turtle Pfauenaugen-Weichschildkröte
Peacock-marked soft shelled turtle Pfauenaugen-Weichschildkröte
peak concentration Spitzenkonzentration
peak fire season Zeitraum höchster Waldbrandgefahr
peak height Peakhöhe
peak level Spitzenwert
peak sound pressure level Scheitelwertpegel
peat (Unconsolidated soil material consisting largely of undecomposed or slightly decomposed organic matter accumulated under conditions of excessive moisture) Torf
peat bed Torfschicht
peat bog Torfgrube
peat extraction Torfgewinnung
peat extraction Torfabbau
peat extraction Torfstich
peat extraction (Peat is obtained from peat bogs by cutting it from the earth; it is then formed into briquettes, which can be used as fuel. Peat may be found in layers several metres thick. In some countries peat-fired generating stations for electricity are in use. Peat is also used as a soil conditioner) Torfabbau
peat fly ash Flugasche aus Torffeuerung
peat formation Vermoorung
peat land Torfmoor
peat land Torfstecherei