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Terms for subject Food industry (14193 entries)
Paraguay tea Mate
Paraguay tea Mate-Tee
parboiled rice geschälter Reis
parboiled rice Parboiled Reis
parchment skin Pergamenthülse
Parma ham Parma-Schinken
parrotfish Papageifisch
parsley Petersilie
parsley Blattpetersilie
parsley Krause Petersilie
parsnip Pastinak
parson's nose Sterz
partial breast feeding Teilstillen
particular nutritional purpose besonderer Ernährungszweck
particular nutritional use besondere Ernährung
parts of rump Blume
parts of rump Hüfte
parts of rump Rose
parts of such articles Teile davon
parts thereof Vorderteile oder Schultern, auch Teile davon