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Terms for subject British (usage, not spelling) (8839 entries)
mole grips Gripzange
mole grips Festhaltezange
mole plough Maulwurfdränpflug
mole-coloured graubraun
mole-coloured maulwurfsbraun
molluscs Weichtiere
monkey Drogensucht
monocytic leukaemia Monozytenleukämie
Monopolies and Mergers Commission Kartellaufsicht
monthly programme (theatre etc.) Monatsspielplan
moralised moralisiert
moralising moralisierend
more dishonourable unehrenhafter (geh.)
more meagre magerer
more patronising herablassender
more travelling fahrbarer
more unaesthetic unästhetischer
morning coat (semi-formal male suit with striped trousers) Stresemann
morning dress Cutaway
morning suit Cutaway