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Terms for subject Medical (217951 entries)
long grain Schmalbahn
long gyrus of insula Gyrus longus insulae
long gyrus of insula lange Inselwindung
long head of biceps brachii muscle Caput longum musculi bicipitis brachii
long head of biceps femoris muscle Caput longum musculi bicipitis femoris
long head of triceps brachii muscle Caput longum musculi tricipitis brachii
long interspersed elements lange verstreute DNA-Elemente
long interspersed elements LINES
long levator muscles of ribs lange Querfortsatzrippenmuskeln
long levatores costarum muscles lange Querfortsatzrippenmuskeln
long limb of incus langer Ambossfortsatz
long nerve thoracic Nerv thoracalis longus
long neuron Achsenzylinder
long neuron Axon
long neuron Achsenzylinderfortsatz
long neuron Nervenfortsatz
long neuron Neuraxon
long palmar muscle langer Hohlhandmuskel
long pelvis langes Becken
long peroneal muscle langer Wadenbeinmuskel