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Terms for subject Environment (24829 entries)
input Schadstoffeintrag
input splitter Splitinjektor
input stream splitter Splitinjektor
input, emission, loading, charging Eintragsmengen, Ablagerungsmengen
insect (A class of the Arthropoda typically having a segmented body with an external, chitinous covering, a pair of compound eyes, a pair of antennae, three pairs of mouthparts, and two pairs of wings) Insekt
insect attractant Gift
insect attractant Ködergift
insect attractant Lockmittel
insect attractant Lockstoff
insect pest sekundärer Schädling
insect pollination Insektenbestäubung
insect pollination Entomogamie
insect pollinator Bestäuberinsekt
insect repellent Abschreckmittel
insect repellent Repellent
insect repellent Repellentium
insecticide (Any chemical agent used to destroy invertebrate pests) Insektizid
insectivore (Any placental mammal of the order Insectivora, being typically small, with simple teeth, and feeding on invertebrates. The group includes shrews, moles, and hedgehogs) Insektenfresser
insertion loss Einfügungsdämm-Maß
insoluble substance (Substance incapable of forming a solution, especially in water) Unlöslicher Stoff