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Terms for subject Environment (26921 entries)
harmful emission schädlichen Abgase
harmful externality negative Auswirkung
harmful human interference schädliche Beeinträchtigung durch den Menschen
harmful insect Schadinsekt
harmful organism Schadorganismen der Pflanzen
harmful residue schaedlicher Rueckstand
harmful substance mindergiftiger Stoff
harmfulness of waste Risikopotential von Abfällen
harmonisation of law Rechtsvereinheitlichung
harmonisation of law (The process by which two or more states, sometimes under the auspices of an interstate or international organization, change their legislation relevant to some area of common concern to conform their statutes and to facilitate compliance and enforcement across borders) Rechtsvereinheitlichung
harp seal pup Jungsattelrobbe
harpy eagle Harpye
Hartmann's mountain zebra Hartmann-Bergzebra
harvest (The amount or measure of the crop gathered in a season) Ernte
Harvest of fish Fischfang
harvest of fish Fischfang
hatch-box Reinigungsschacht
hatch-box Spülbauwerk
haulage Transport
have no detrimental impact on the conservation of the species sich nicht nachteilig auf den Erhaltungsstatus der Art auswirken