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Terms for subject American (usage, not spelling) (8113 entries)
goal fest (football) Tor-Festival
goal fest (football) Tore-Festival
goal fest (football) Tor-Festival , Tore-Festival
going to the movies Kinobesuch
goiter Kropf
goiter Struma
goiters Kröpfe
gold medalist Goldmedaillengewinner
gold medalist (female) Goldmedaillengewinnerin
goldbrick Blaumacher
gonna im Begriff sein zu
gonorrhea Tripper
gonorrhea Gonorrhöe
good behavior clause Wohlverhaltensklausel
good humored gutgelaunt (alt)
Good-by! Leb wohl!
good-humored gut gelaunt
good-humoredly gut gelaunt
good-humoredly gutgelaunt
good-neighborly gutnachbarlich