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Terms for subject Environment (26920 entries)
element of group IV Elemente der Gruppe IV
element of group V Elemente der Gruppe V
element of group VI Elemente der Gruppe VI
element of group VII Elemente der Gruppe VII
elemental phosphorus elementarer Phosphor
elemental phosphorus reiner Phosphor
elephant's foot Elefantenfuß
elephant's foot Schildkrötenpflanze
elevation loss Hochförderungsverlust
eluate criterion Eluat-Kriterium
emancipation (The state of being free from social or political restraint or from the inhibition of moral or social conventions) Emanzipation
embedded museum specimen festumschlossenes Museumsexemplar
embryo (An early stage of development in multicellular organisms) Embryo
embryogenesis (The formation and development of an embryo from an egg) Embryonalentwicklung
embryonic shifting dune Primärdüne
EMEP150grid EMEP-150-Raster
Emerald network Emerald-Netz
emergency aid Notfallmassnahmen
emergency convergence scenario Szenario, das davon ausgeht, daß sich ... dem/der ... annähert.
Emergency Exposure Limit Maximale Unfallkonzentration