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Terms for subject Environment (26934 entries)
ecosystem moved away from equilibrium Ökosystem,das sich nicht im Gleichgewicht befindet
ecosystem research Ökosystemforschung
ecosystem research (Study of the ways in which plants, animals, and microbes interact with each other and with their physical environment and of the processes involving the circulation, transformation and accumulation of both matter, especially nutrient materials, and energy) Ökosystemforschung
ecosystem resilience Resilienz eines Ökosystems
ecosystem resilience Widerstandsfähigkeit der Ökosysteme
ecosystem resilience Widerstandsfähigkeit eines Ökosystems
ecosystem service Ökosystemdienst
ecosystem service Ökosystemdienstleistung
ecosystem service Ökosystemleistung
ecosystem services Okosystemdienstleistung
ecosystem services ökosystemare Dienstleistung
ecosystem type Ökosystemtyp
ecosystem type (Ecosystems can be classified according to various criteria: from the point of view of energy source, two major types of ecosystems can be distinguished. Autotrophic ecosystems have primary producers as a principal component and sunlight has the major initial energy source; etherotrophic ecosystems depend upon preformed organic matter that is imported from autotrophic ecosystems elsewhere. Ecosystems can also be classified in terrestrial, marine and freshwater) Ökosystemtyp
ecotechnology Umwelttechnologie
ecotechnology grüne Technologie
ecotechnology umweltfreundliche Technologie
ecotone Ökoton
ecotourism (Excursions to relatively untouched lands, which for the tourist promise the chance to observe unusual wildlife and indigenous inhabitants. The travel industry, in an attempt to market adventure and authenticity to those travellers weary of "civilisation" promote travel to environments free of modern technology. Ecotourism's inherent contradiction is the promotion of untouched lands, which immediately become touched by the hands of tourism) Ökotourismus
ecotoxic material ökotoxischer Stoff
ecotoxicity Ökotoxizität