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Terms for subject Environment (26921 entries)
detritor Sandfanganlage
detritor Sandfänger
detritus chamber Sandfänger
detritus chamber Sandfanganlage
detritus channel Sandfänger
detritus channel Sandfanganlage
detritus tank Sandfänger
detritus tank Sandfanganlage
developed country (A nation possessing a relatively high degree of industrialization, infrastructure and other capital investment, sophisticated technology, widespread literacy and advanced living standards among its populations as a whole) Industrieland
developed country Parties Vertragsparteien, die entwickelte Länder sind
developing countries debt Schulden der Entwicklungsländer
developing country (A country whose people are beginning to utilize available resources in order to bring about a sustained increase in per capita production of goods and services) Entwicklungsland
development aid (The economic assistance or other types of support provided to developing countries to promote or encourage advancement in living standards, institutions, infrastructure, agricultural practices and other aspects of an economy, and to resolve problems typically associated with developing countries) Entwicklungshilfe
development area (Area which has been given special help from a government to encourage business and factories to be set up there) Entwicklungsgebiet
development co-operation Entwicklungszusammenarbeit
development model (A description, representation, or conception of the economic advancement process of a region or people) Entwicklungsmodell
development model Entwicklungsmodell
development of the Operational base, Infrastructure, Publications & Infrastructure Entwicklung der operativen Grundlage, Infrastruktur, Veröffentlichungen und Information
development of yield Ertragsentwicklung
development pattern Entwicklungsmuster