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Terms for subject General (498507 entries)
breast exam Brustuntersuchung
breast feeding Stillen
breast grabber Busengrabscher
breast groper Busengrapscher
breast groper Brustgrabscher
breast groper Busengrabscher
breast implant Brustimplantat
breast implants Brustimplantate
breast lift Bruststraffung
breast lift Mastoplexie
breast lifting Bruststraffung
breast milk passage Milchgängigkeit
breast of chicken Geflügelbrust
breast of duck Entenbrust
breast of pheasant Fasanenbrust
breast of pork Schweinsbrust
breast pain Schmerzhaftigkeit der geschwollenen, weibl. Brust
breast plate (horse) Brustblatt
breast pocket handkerchief Einstecktuch
breast pumps Milchpumpen