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Terms for subject Technology (237007 entries)
army billeting Heeresunterkunft
army billeting administration Heeresunterkunftsamt
army board of woods and forests Heeresforstamt
army budget Heeresetat
army bulletin Heeresanordnungsblatt
army carrier pigeon Heeresbrieftaube
army chaplain Heerespfarrer
army coast artillery Heereskuestenartillerie
army construction service Heeresbauamt
army construction service Heeresbaudienst
army directory Kriegrangliste
army disciplinary regulations Heeresdisziplinstrafordnung
army equipment Heeresausruestung
army equipment Heeresgeraet
army establishment institution Heeresanstalt
army establishment institution Heereseinrichtung
army establishment organization Heeresanstalt
army establishment organization Heereseinrichtung
army field orders Armeebefehl
army finance department Heereszahlmeisterei