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Terms for subject Environment (24829 entries)
grit channel Sandfang
grit extractor-classifier Sandklassierer
grit removal mechanism Sandräummechanismus
grit tank Sandfänger
grit tank Sandfanganlage
grit-coarse particles grobkoernige Partikel
grizzled tree-kangaroo Braunes Baumkänguruh
grizzly bear Braunbär
grog Abfaelle
gross domestic product (The total output of goods and services produced by a national economy in a given period, usually a year, valued at market prices. It is gross, since no allowance is made, for the value of replacement capital goods) Bruttoinlandsprodukt
gross final consumption of energy Bruttoendenergieverbrauch
gross solids ungelöste grobe Feststoffe
gross solids grobkörnige Feststoffe
gross-net accounting Brutto-Netto-Anrechnung
ground cover Bodenflora
ground cover lebende Bodendecke
ground effect Bodeneffekt
ground fuel bodennahes Brennmaterial
ground iguanas Wirtelschwanzleguane
ground level concentration Konzentration in Bodennähe