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Terms for subject Economy (98596 entries)
share loan Effektenbeleihung
share loan Effektenlombard
share loan Effektenlombardkredit
share market Effektenmarkt
share markets Aufteilung der Märkte
share of corporate stock Aktie
share of corporate stock Geschäftsanteil
share of national income accounted for by wages Lohnquote
share of proceeds Gewinnanteil
share of proceeds Tantieme
share of profits Gewinnanteil
share of profits Gewinnrate
share of profits Gewinnsatz
share of profits Gewinnquote
share of the market Anteil am Markt
share placing Aktienplazierung
share placing Unterbringung von Aktien
share premium Emissionsagio
share prices Dividendenwerte
share prices Aktienkurse