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Terms for subject Economy (98834 entries)
real estate subsidiary Grundstück-Tochtergesellschaft
real estate transaction Grundstücksgeschäft
real estate value Wert des bebauten Grundstücks
real estate value Immobilienwert
real exchange rate misalignment reale Wechselkursverzerrungen
real flows of goods and services physische Güterbewegung
real GDP reales BIP
real GDP BIP in Volumen
real GDP BIP zu konstanten Preisen
real government bond yield Realverzinsung von Staatspapieren
real gross domestic income Realwert des Bruttoinlandsprodukts
real gross domestic product reales BIP
real gross domestic product BIP in Volumen
real gross domestic product BIP zu konstanten Preisen
real gross national product BSP zu konstanten Preisen
real gross national product in Volumen ausgedrücktes Bruttosozialprodukt
real gross national product reales Bruttosozialprodukt
real growth reales Wachstum
real income per head of population reales Pro-Kopf-Einkommen
real indicators Realkennziffern