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Terms for subject Non-governmental organizations (561 entries)
person who moves to a place together with the applicant (and is not required to file a separate application) Mitziehende Person
person with the responsibility to pay maintenance Unterhaltspflichtige Person
Personnel Office of the Vienna Public Utilities Personalstelle Wiener Stadtwerke
planning and construction geared to the requirements of daily life and the specific needs of women Alltags- und frauengerechtes Planen
plot number Einlagezahl
police clearance certificate Führungszeugnis
police clearance certificate Strafregisterauszug
political bodies Politische Organe
polling clerk WahlleiterIn
pre-vocational school Polytechnische Schule
preferential vote Vorzugsstimme
preparatory classes for primary school entry (for children who have not attended a kindergarten) Vorlaufgruppen
preventive health checks for adults Gesundenuntersuchungen für Erwachsene
primary residence Hauptwohnsitz
priority reasons besonders berücksichtigungswürdige Gründe
probationary employment Arbeitsverhältnis auf Probe
Project Co-ordination Office Projektleitstelle
project-based work permit (for employees of foreign-based contractors fulfilling a contract in Austria) Entsendebewilligung
promotion of women (in the City of Vienna) Frauenförderung
proof of legal entitlement to (adequate) accommodation (lease or rental agreement) Rechtsanspruch auf eine für InländerInnen ortsübliche Unterkunft