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Terms for subject Non-governmental organizations (556 entries)
Municipal Department 58 Water Rights MA 58 - Wasserrecht
Municipal Department 59 Market Authority MA 59 - Marktamt
Municipal Department 6 - Accounting Services, Duties and Charges MA 06 - Rechnungsund Abgabenwesen
Municipal Department 60 - Veterinary Board MA 60 - Veterinäramt
Municipal Department 62 - Elections and Specific Legal Affairs MA 62 - Wahlen und verschiedene Rechtsangelegenheiten
Municipal Department 63 - Commerce and Trade, Legal Aspects of Food Safety MA 63 - Gewerbewesen und rechtliche Angelegenheiten des Ernährungswesens
Municipal Department 64 - Legal Affairs: Construction, Energy, Railways, Traffic and Aviation MA 64 - Rechtliche Bau-, Energie, Eisenbahn- und Luftfahrtangelegenheiten
Municipal Department 65 - Legal Affairs: Transport and Traffic MA 65 - Rechtliche Verkehrsangelegenheiten
Municipal Department 67 - Supervision of On-Street Parking MA 67 - Parkraumüberwachung
Municipal Department 68 - Fire Services and Disaster Relief MA 68 - Feuerwehr und Katastrophenschutz
Municipal Department 69 - Real Estate Management MA 69 - Liegenschaftsmanagement
Municipal Department 7 Cultural Affairs MA 07 - Kultur
Municipal Department 70 Ambulance and Patient Transport Services MA 70 - Rettungs- und Krankenbeförderungsdienst der Stadt Wien
Municipal Department 8 City Archives MA 08 - Wiener Stadtund Landesarchiv
Municipal Department 9 - Vienna City Library MA 09 - Wienbibliothek im Rathaus
Municipal District Office Magistratisches Bezirksamt
municipal housing estate Städtische Wohnhausanlagen
municipal housing estate Wiener Gemeindebau
natural person Natürliche Person
negative certification Negativbestätigung