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Terms for subject Marketing (6095 entries)
introductory price Einführungspreis
introductory price Reklamepreis
introductory price Werbepreis
inventory Bestände
inventory Lagerbestände
inventory Warenvorräte
inventory accounting Lagerbuchhaltung
inventory brought forward from previous year anfänglicher Lagerbestand
inventory brought forward from previous year Anfangsinventar
inventory brought forward from previous year Lagerbestand bei Jahresanfang
inventory card Bestandskarte
inventory carried forward to the following year Lagerbestand bei Jahresabschluß
inventory carried forward to the following year Endinventar
inventory difference Inventurdifferenz
inventory difference due to inconsistent pricing of movement data Verrechnungspreisdifferenzen
inventory of State aids Bericht über staatliche Beihilfen
inventory of volume Massenaufnahme
inventory of volume Massenermittlung
inventory profit Vorratswertung
inventory record Bestandskarte